Error: 13 - Type Mismatch (Source:HTTPHandlerEx.HTTPHandler_NonAdmin.PVDMSystem)
Version: R70.1
Article ID: PE000136

This error would indicate a mismatch between the viewer installed on the workstation, and the version of PaperVision running on the server.
To resolve this follow the steps below:
- Launch the PaperVision Administration Console, and view the release and build number by going to: Help->About PaperVision Administration Console.
- On the workstation where the problem resides, locate PVDMDocView.OCX. You can execute a Window search for the file or navigate to: [Program Files]Digitech SystemsCommon Files
- Right click on PVDMDocView.OCX and select Properties, then click on the Version/Details tab. The version of the file should match the version of the PaperVision Administration Console.
- If the versions do not match, remove the PaperVision Document Viewer Controls via Add/Remove Programs and install the correct version.