After moving a database, when the Global Administrator tries to add a license in PaperVision Enterprise (PVE) the following error is returned: Error -2147217900 cannot find stored procedures PVDM_SYS_LIC_INSERT. This error message may be returned after restoring an existing database from an older version of PVE on a server that has a newer version of PVE installed. This is due to any additional database tables that were added in the later version of PVE. For example, a database was moved from a server that had PVE version 11.02 installed to a server that has PVE version R70 installed.
Error -2147217900 Cannot find stored procedures PVDM_SYS_LIC_INSERT
Version: R70
Article ID: PE000143

To avoid this error, prior to moving the database, the Global Administrator should upgrade the version of PVE on the server where the database currently resides to the version of PVE where the database is to be moved. The upgrade should be completed before backing up the database to move.
Steps to resolve:
- On the server where the database currently resides, upgrade PVE to the version that is currently running on the new server.
- Once the upgrade has finished, log into the SQL Server Management Studio and run a Full/Complete backup of the PVE database.
- From the new server where the database is to be moved, restore the database, connect to the database, then log in to the Admin Console which will clean up the licenses.
- Once the licenses have been removed, contact Technical Support during normal business hours to re-authorize any purchased license(s).