Error -28000. No import file was specified in the package information.
Version: R70.1
Article ID: PE000157

This problem occurs when a package file is being imported into PaperVision Enterprise but does not contain the proper information in the file to import it. There are three scenarios that can cause this error to be returned:
- The user created the package files with PaperVision Data Transfer Manager using the Action>Create Package File function to manually create a package.
- The user chose the Push files to remote operation instead of Push data groups to remote in PaperVision Data Transfer Manager.
- In PaperVision Enterprise, the import operation selected a valid directory manager package file, but the Import Queue operation tried to import it as a packaged data group when the Directory Manager operation should have processed it. (Note: the automation server must be running the operation “Monitored Import Paths (Submit)” in order for this failure to appear in the Import Queue).
To resolve the first two scenarios, the user would need to create the package files in PaperVision Data Transfer Manager using the correct operation (Push data groups to remote) to have the data imported correctly. Creating a package using the Action>Create Package File function does not generate the correct import file. This function is not meant to be used for creating package files that will be imported into PaperVision Enterprise.
For the third scenario, the user should check the Import Log in PaperVision Enterprise to verify that the package did import successfully, and then delete the warning message from the Import Queue.