Error -30000: Unable to copy File: Sharing Violation
Version: R70
Article ID: PD000003

This error is the result of configuring the destination path of the job to the same location as the temporary package location (in System Settings). If you performed a validation test of the job prior to execution, the results would be successful because the validation test only verifies that the user executing the test has the necessary rights to both locations (Source and Destination). The package location is actually a temporary location used when creating package files. Once the file is created, it is copied to the destination folder (defined for each job). Since the destination and package locations were configured to be the same location, a sharing violation is returned, since the process cannot copy the file onto itself.
To troubleshoot and resolve the error, follow the steps below:
- Launch DTM, click on System Settings and then Configure System Settings.
- Verify the Package location is set to the default location: C:\Program Files\Digitech Systems\Common Files\PVDTM. If not, browse and select the default location.
- Click OK to save the changes.
- Re-execute the job.