Error 404: Object not found
Version: 11.60
Article ID: PE000068

This error most often occurs when the Local Cache Settings URL has been left blank in the PaperVision Admin Console. In the Admin Console under System Settings, ensure that the proper URL has been specified under the Local Cache Settings.
This error may also happen if you are using a virtual directory for your web site in IIS if the Local Cache Settings URL does not have the virtual directory specified. In the Admin Console under System Settings, ensure that the proper URL has been specified under the Local Cache Settings. The URL should be similar to:
The error will also occur when the IIS anonymous user does not have proper permissions. Please refer to the Security Considerations section of Chapter 2 – Installing PaperVision in the PaperVision Enterprise Administration and Architecture Reference Guide for the proper permissions.
If you are using a non-standard port for IIS (the default port is 80), you may receive this error message if the Web URL is blank or invalid. In the Admin Console under System Settings, ensure that the proper Web URL has been specified under the Local Web Site.