Error: SystemMailbox {D000CCA4-F354-41C9-81A5-4A7499188B20}; Source skipped due to error - MAPI reader error - Unable to open store!
Version: R71
Article ID: PM000004

This error is caused by the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service not actively running on the Microsoft Exchange Server.
To resolve the error:
- Login to the server where Microsoft Exchange is installed as a user with the rights to start windows services.
- Open the Computer Management Console.
- Click on Services, and highlight the “Microsoft Exchange Information Store” service.
- Right-click the service, and choose Start. Alternatively, you can also click the Start Service button from the toolbar.
Note: If the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service has stopped, this could indicate low disk space on the Microsoft Exchange Server. This may also be evident if email does not appear to be processing. Microsoft Exchange requires a minimum of 10 MB of free space to allow the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service to start.