Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Failed to attach item error received when adding a document through PaperVision Tools
Version: R45
Article ID: PT000012

This error may occur due to a permission problem, or version inconsistencies with Microsoft Office.
Follow the steps below to troubleshoot and resolve the error:
- Verify that only one version of Microsoft Office is installed (i.e. Office 2003, or Office 2007, etc). To verify versions, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. Only one version of Office should be listed. Each version of Office will also have an associated primary interop assembly file (PIA) associated with that version, so multiple PIA’s will also be present.
- If multiple versions are found (i.e. Word 2003, and Excel 2007), this will cause PaperVision Tools to not function properly. To resolve the issue, un-install all versions of Office, their associated PIA’s, and PaperVision Tools. Install the latest version of Office, and then re-install PaperVision Tools. PaperVision Tools will automatically install the appropriate PIA.
- To resolve any permissions issue, verify that the user currently logged into Windows has full control of C:\Program Files\Digitech Systems\ directory. If the machine is running a 64 bit Operating System, the location will be C:\Program Files(x86)\Digitech Systems\.