Full Text searching with currency values (use of specialized ENGLISH.ABC) file.
Version: 11.21
Article ID: PE000033

Normally, PaperVision treats dollar signs ($), periods (.), and commas (,) as spaces which will separate the words. Example: If doing a full text search for a value of $12,345.69 using the default ENGLISH.ABC file, this would return a minimum result of 3 hits. One for the “12” the “345” and the “69”.
Replacing the existing “Program FilesDigitech SystemsCommon FilesEnglish.abc” with the specialized ENGLISH.ABC file will cause PaperVision to treat dollar signs as a searchable character and commas and spaces as ignored characters so they don’t separate any words.
Example: If doing a search for a value of $12,345.69 using the specialized ENGLISH.ABC file, this would return a minimum result of 1 hit for the value “$1234569”.
The specialized ENGLISH.ABC file is located on the PaperVision Enterprise CD in the “SupportFull Text Currency Searching” folder. To replace the default ENGLISH.ABC file, the specialized ENGLISH.ABC file must be copied into the “Program FilesDigitech SystemsCommon Files” folder on the server. Replacing the ENGLISH.ABC file must be done prior to loading any full text data, otherwise the project must be purged and the data reloaded.