In certain scenarios users may receive an Error -30000 message when viewing images through the PaperVision Enterprise website. This may be a result of the anonymous account having all the necessary permissions and rights; but the images are stored at a different location from the Web Server. In some scenarios, the images may even reside on the same physical computer but are being accessed over the network using UNC paths. This type of configuration requires that the “ASP.NET Impersonation” option be enabled for IIS versions 7.5 and higher.
Function LoadDocInfo.pvtCachePageRange.CachePage.CopyFileDecryptEx: Error -30000 Unable to create directory for new file.
Version: R74.5
Article ID: PE000200

Configure ASP.NET Impersonation in IIS 7.5:
- Launch IIS Management Console, and highlight the PaperVision Enterprise website
- Within the IIS section, highlight Authentication and click the “Open Feature” link
- Enable the ASP.NET Impersonation option
- Right click ASP.NET Impersonation, select “Edit” and verify the user configured for the Local Impersonation account is the same user configured for Anonymous Access
Once the above changes are applied, validated users can view images. More information about ASP.NET Impersonation can be found here: