PaperVision Tools includes the ability to automatically index documents with project and index data submitted as command-line arguments. This functionality can be useful in streamlining the Scan2PVE process when index data can be provided programmatically from a one-touch device or some other system.
How To Automatically Index Documents Submitted with PaperVision Tools
Version: R70.2
Article ID: PT000007

This solution works when performed manually, but is most useful when implemented programmatically. This article explains the minimal steps required to manually submit and index an image.
To accomplish this task, follow the steps below:
- Open the CMD Command Prompt.
- Use the CD command to enter the directory with exe.
- Enter and run the following commands:
PVEExplorerShortcut.exe “/p:Accounting Project” “/i:First Name~Johnny|Last Name~Jones” C:\image1.TIFF
- The PaperVision Explorer Tool: Add Documents window will appear. Edit the information as desired then click Save.