How to configure Windows Authentication mode for use with Microsoft SQL Server and PaperVision Enterprise
Version: All
Article ID: PE000198

In order to establish a Microsoft SQL connection using a Windows user profile, each Windows user must be granted access to the Microsoft SQL database used by PaperVision Enterprise.
Follow the steps below to configure Windows Authentication in Microsoft SQL Server:
- Login to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Right-click the Server Name and select Properties > Security
- Enable (check) Windows Authentication mode under Server Authentication and then click <OK> to save
- Expand Security > Select Logins > right-click and Select New Login. Click the Search button next to Login name. Enter the applicable Windows username then click Check Names; select your user name and click OK. (This will require the down-level logon name format e.g. domainusername or machineusername)
- Click User Mapping and enable (check) each database this user will be given permission to and then enable (check) db_owner rights for that user.
- Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each Windows User who will be granted rights to the database.
- Launch the PaperVision Enterprise Configuration Utility > Select SQL Server Connection Information and verify that the User Name and Password fields are blank > click Save
- Login to the PaperVision Administration Console > go to the Entity Properties > click Configure > verify that the User Name and Password fields are blank for the SQL Data Source > click OK (2x)
- Add the applicable Windows User accounts to both Global Administrators and System Users (requires the down-level logon name format e.g. domainusername or machineusername)