How To Create a Bookmark that Retains the Entity ID
Version: R66
Article ID: IS000005

ImageSilo and PaperVision Enterprise contain special URL parameters that are understood by the system as a request for a specific entity.
To create the bookmark and shortcut:
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Browse to your PaperVision Enterprise URL or the ImageSilo URL The URL address will transition and end with "PVE.aspx."
- Append "?entid=<entity number>" to the end of the URL address (e.g.,
- From the Internet Explorer Favorites menu or button, select Add to Favorites.
- If the Add a Favorite dialog box appears, you can change the bookmark name (if desired), and then click the Add button.
- To create a desktop shortcut, right-click your bookmark in the list of Favorites, and then select Send To > Desktop (create shortcut).