The Direct Launch option changes the way the document viewer launches and displays documents. The Direct Launch method passes a URL to the operating system that tells it to launch an executable that will then open the Web Assistant and display a document. With Direct Launch, there is no bi-directional communication with the Web Assistant. For example, altering index values, adding documents, or checking documents in or out will not automatically update the search results window.
How to enable the Direct Launch option to be used by all users
Version: R81
Article ID: PE000201

This option is not enabled by default in PaperVision Enterprise (PVE). Use the following steps to enable this option for all users. It is recommended that a copy of the original file is made before making the changes. Note that these steps are only for use with PVE, not ImageSilo. These steps assume that PVE has been installed in the default location.
To enable the Direct Launch option in PVE:
- Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Digitech Systems\PaperVision\PVEWeb
- Highlight the file DSIMasterPage.master, right-click and select Properties
- Disable (un-check) the option ‘Read Only’, then click <OK>
- Edit the file using Notepad
- Insert the following text in the line above the “window.onresize” function (~line 105): setStorageValue("launchPVWA", true);
- Save and close the file (overwriting the original file)
- Verify the section now displays:
if (has("trident")) {
dojo.isIE = true;
setStorageValue("launchPVWA", true);
window.onresize = function(e) { if (dojo.isIE) {countResize++}; setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){refreshPageSize();}), 0); };
Once this option has been enabled, if a user receives the prompt “Do you want to allow this website to open a program on your computer?” when they try to view a document, they should click the “Allow” button.