PaperVision Enterprise allows administrators the option to hide the standard browser menu (containing Back button, etc.) when using the PaperVision Enterprise web client. This is a global setting that can be changed on the server and will affect all users accessing the system. This article demonstrates how to make this simple configuration change.
How to hide the browser menu in the PaperVision Enterprise web client
Version: R70.1
Article ID: PE000128

This configuration change requires the editing of a configuration file found in the PaperVision installation directory on the web server. This is a simple process that can be performed with a basic text editor such as Notepad. When complete, any user connecting to the web server will have the browser menus hidden automatically.
To make this change, follow the steps below:
- Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\Digitech Systems\PaperVision\ (or to the location where PaperVision was installed)
- Open PVEWebApp_GlobalResources
- Open the global_en.resx file in your text editor (Notepad)
- Find the data node that says: name=”gblHideBrowserMenus”
- Change the value to true: <value>true</value>
- Users will now have the browser menus hidden automatically when accessing the PaperVision Enterprise web site