How To Install the Document Viewer Plug-in to an Alternate Directory.
Version: R69.1
Article ID: PE000096

By default, the Document Viewer plug-in is installed to the C:\Program Files\Digitech Systems\ directory. Follow the instructions below to install it to an alternate directory.
- Open the PaperVision Enterprise Installation DVD and copy the directory SupportAlternate InstallersDocument Viewer Plug-inStandard to a location on the local hard drive.
- In the Standard directory, open the file Setup.ini in a text editor such as Notepad.
- Find the line that reads CmdLine= and change it to CmdLine=/i INSTALLDIR=C:\alternate_directory where C:\alternate_directory is the alternate installation directory for the document viewer plug-in components.
- Save Setup.ini.
- Execute the Setup.exe file within the Standard directory.