How To Modify the Available Downloads Listed in the PaperVision Enterprise ASP.NET Application
Version: R69.1
Article ID: PE000125

As an example, these instruction steps will remove the PaperVision Tools item from the download list.
To complete this operation follow the steps below:
- Using a text editor such as notepad, open the downloadInfo.xml file found in Program Files/PaperVision/PVEWeb/Install.
- Be sure to make a copy of the original file before saving your edited file.
- Identify the “<DOWNLOAD ID="PVETools">” node and delete everything up to and including the closing “</DOWNLOAD>” tag. Make sure you delete the actual node, not the one in the example comment at the top of the file.
- Save downloadInfo.xml.
- Open a browser and view the Download page. If edited correctly, the list will not contain the PaperVision Tools item.