How To Simulate a Scanner in PaperVision Capture
Version: R70
Article ID: PC000028

The Digitech Systems Image Spewer is an application installed with PaperVision Capture that can simulate the functionality of a physical scanner.
To configure the PaperVision Capture Image Spewer follow these steps:
- In the Operator Console, take and open a batch in a Capture Scan step.
- Open Scanner Settings from the Scanner menu.
- Select DSI ImageSpewer in the Scanner Name field.
- Click the Properties button.
- In the Primary Image Path field, choose a directory containing scanned images, such as TIFF or JPEG files.
- In the Time Between Images field enter a value in milliseconds. Note that a 120 page-per-minute scanner can be simulated (simplex) with a value of ‘500’.
- Check the Loop Files box to continue using the same images over and over. This will allow a directory with 10 images to produce an unlimited number of images per run instead of stopping once all images have been used.
- Click OK.