How To Use PaperVision Distribution Assistant
Version: R71
Article ID: PE000148

Once a user has submitted a Data Group migration job, the administrator must execute the job to extract selected/tagged documents and copy them to a location which can then be copied onto a CD-ROM, or some other media. This does not include any associated annotations on a document. The extracted documents are then formatted into a standard PaperFlow™ data group.
- PaperVision Distribution Assistant software will automatically be included with any migrated data groups during the migration process. When opening the location where the data was migrated to, the following items can be seen: Project folder, Data Group file, a License information file and the PVDA application. (.exe file)
- These four items can then be copied to a CD-ROM, or some other form of media for the client to use as needed.
- To view the documents, simply open PVDA, and select the DATAGRP.MDB file when prompted.
- Select the appropriate project.
- Enter search criteria, execute the search, and then open the desired document for viewing by either double-clicking it, or highlighting the document and clicking the View Document button.
PaperVision Distribution Assistant provides a powerful and easy way for you to share information with clients who do not have PaperVision Enterprise installed locally on their computer.