When you install Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Internet Explorer prompts for the installation of ActiveX controls by default. These user controls and interfaces have been improved to help prevent malicious ActiveX controls and spyware from running on customers' machines without their knowledge or consent.
Installing PaperVision Document Viewer Control on Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Version: 10.00
Article ID: PE000057

When viewing a document for the first time via the thin client you will be asked to install the plug-in. When the installation starts, Internet Explorer will show the following dialog window:

At the top of the page you will see the following Information Bar:

When you click the Information Bar the following menu appears:

Click Install ActiveX Control…
The following Security Warning Dialog Window appears:

To install the PaperVision Document Viewer Control click Install.
Note: This will also be the case for the PaperVision Workflow Definition Control (Advanced Admin Pack Only).
Alternatively you can add the PaperVision Enterprise site to the “Trusted sites” Web content zone in Internet Explorer to work around these prompts. (ex. https://login.imagesilo.com/)