Installing the API and Web Samples for PaperVision Enterprise.
Version: 10.00
Article ID: PE000048

To install the API and Web Samples during the initial setup of PaperVision, choose Setup Type 5 - Custom. Select the components you want, making sure that the ‘PaperVision Enterprise Source Code’ option is checked. This will install the sample files in the default location: “Program FilesDigitech SystemsPaperVisionSource”.
If you need to copy the sample files onto a machine where PaperVision Enterprise has already been installed, you can simply copy the Source folder off the CD and onto your hard drive. That folder is located at: “PaperVision EnterpriseProgram FilesDigitech SystemsPaperVisionSource”.
In this situation, you may also want to copy the PVENT-API.PDF to your hard drive as well. This is the API manual and is located on the CD at this location: “PaperVision EnterpriseProgram FilesDigitech SystemsPaperVisionDocs”.
The “_Read Me First.pdf” files located in the API and Web Samples folders should also be reviewed.