Logging into PaperVision Capture takes longer than expected
Version: R74.2
Article ID: PC000059

This behavior can be caused by the workstation or server running the Admin Console or Operator Console not having Internet access, which is required for the certificate authority to verify Digitech System’s signed assembly files.
Signing assemblies is an industry-standard practice to ensure software integrity and security. However, if a machine is not connected to the Internet, it will wait for the timeout period to be reached before allowing the login to execute.
In situations where the Admin Console and/or Operator Console machines will not have Internet connectivity, the behavior can be addressed by adding the below information to the machine.config file.
Note: The machine.config file should be backed up first, and the change should be completed by IT staff. Be aware that the change may impact any Microsoft .NET applications installed on the machine.
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
If this change does not correct the behavior, contact Technical Support for additional trouble-shooting steps.