Modifying the Data Transfer Agent File Transfer Buffer Size
Version: R65
Article ID: PC000003

FileTransferBufferSize - Size in bytes of the buffer used to transfer files across the network. Not required. Defaults to 65536. Increasing this size may improve system performance (i.e. reduce the number of distinct network transactions) when dealing with large files.
Instructions: To double the default Data Transfer Agent File Transfer buffer size (to 131072 bytes) add the fileTransfer BufferSize attribute to the dataTransferServerConfiguration node in the DSI.DataTransferAgent.Service.exe.config.
Change the node below from:
<dataTransferServerConfiguration serverName="PaperVision DataTransferAgent1" />
To this:
<dataTransferServerConfiguration serverName="PaperVision DataTransferAgent1" fileTransferBufferSize="131072" />
Restart the DataTransferAgentService.