Only text files exist in the export directory when using the PVE XML export
Version: R73.1
Article ID: PC000053

When configuring an XML export that contains full-text data using the PaperVision Enterprise output type, there are two (2) options for exporting the full-text data. One option is to export only the full-text data, the other option exports both the images and the full-text data (.pvfulltext) files.
Configuring the export for either option:
- In the Custom Code (export) step, select the PVE XML export.
- Configure the properties on the “General” tab.
- Select the appropriate Index Fields to include in the export on the “Indexes” tab.
- Click on the OCR tab. Select the Full-Text vendor used to create the full-text output from the OCR Engine drop-down list (either Nuance or Open Text).
- To export both the images and full-text data (.pvfulltext), leave the OCR Converter drop-down set to <None>. To export only the full-text data (and not include the images), select PaperVision Enterprise from the OCR Converter drop-down.
Note: If PaperVision Enterprise is selected as the OCR Converter, select the applicable full-text step from the OCR Step Name drop-down. - Configure any remaining Options or FTP properties as needed and click <OK> to save the configuration.
- Once the batch processes through the Custom Code step, if you left the OCR Converter option blank, both images and full-text data (.pvfulltext) will be included with the exported data. If the OCR Converter option was set to “PaperVision Enterprise”, only full-text data will be included with the exported data (no images will be present).