Opening the PaperVision client in Firefox takes longer than expected to view the login page.
Version: R69.1
Article ID: PE000100

This error is caused by a known issue with Firefox, Localhost and IPv6 settings.
There are three possible solutions to this issue and any one of them should solve the issue:
- Make a copy of the local client shortcut, access the properties and change the URL from http://localhost:8400/Default.aspx?hidebrowsermenu=true to This will bypass the localhost issue and allow the login page to display quickly.
- Instead of using the shortcut, launch Firefox and point to and the login page will display immediately.
- You can disable the IPv6 setting in Firefox through the following steps:
- Launch Firefox and type “about:config” in the address bar.
- If prompted with a warning, choose accept.
- In the filter, enter “IPv6” and it should display one entry named “network.dns.disableIPv6” which is set to false by default.
- Right-click network.dns.disableIPv6 and select Toggle, this should change the value to true.
- Now the login page should display immediately (you may have to allow pop-ups first) using either localhost or, and when using the default shortcut.