When attempting to import certain PDF files into a PaperVision Capture batch, the files are not imported, and no error message is displayed. This is due to the files using an “advanced” PDF format, such as certain text-based PDFs. (Note: image-only PDFs generally do not fall into the advanced PDF category.)
PDF files will not import into PaperVision Capture
Version: R74
Article ID: PC000054

By default, Capture’s import engine does not import advanced PDF files, but you can enable import of such files. If you do enable the advanced PDF option, be aware that the resulting image file sizes, even for image-only PDFs, may significantly increase physical storage capacity requirements for batches.
To enable the import of advanced PDFs via the Capture Operator Console, follow these steps:
- Open the CaptureClient.exe.config file in Notepad, which is usually located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Digitech Systems\PaperVision Capture folder.
- Edit the line: <batchConfiguration/>
To read:<batchConfiguration disableAdvancedPDF="false"/>
- Save the file.
- Attempt to import the Advanced PDFs, which were previously skipped.
To enable the import of advanced PDFs via an automated process (for use with Auto Create Batch) follow these steps:
- Open the DSI.PVECommon.PVProcWork.exe.config file in Notepad, which is usually located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Digitech Systems\PaperVision Capture folder.
- Edit the line: <batchConfiguration isLocal="true">
To read:<batchConfiguration isLocal="true" disableAdvancedPDF="false">
- Save the file.
- Allow the Auto Create Batch script to attempt to import the PDFs again.