Records destruction ran successfully but did not decrease the storage utilization
Version: R69.1
Article ID: PE000145

When a records destruction process runs, it must still obey the Read-Only vs. Read/Write option of the data group. If the data group is set to Read-Only, no image files are deleted during the destruction process, only the database pointers for the documents are removed. This allows for documents to be removed from the PaperVision Enterprise project, but the images remain in the data group located at the data storage path (for backup purposes).
If the data group is set to Read/Write, images are permanently deleted from the data storage path, along with the pointers.
Data groups can be configured either to be Read-Only or Read/Write any time by editing the properties of the data group.
The default Read/Write option can be configured by browing to the Entity Properties, then clicking on the Import tab.
If a destruction policy is executed against a Read-Only data group, the data group would need to be reloaded using the Full/Reload import option (to re-create the documents), then change the properties of the data group to be Read/Write. When the destruction policy executes it will now remove the images and pointers.
NOTE: Performing a Full/Reload import of a data group may also create additional workflow instances, and alter index values on existing documents.