The Project Search Criteria page takes a long time to open on specific projects
Version: R69.1
Article ID: PE000099

This may be caused by having a very large number of pre-defined search values entered for one or more project index fields. Because these search values have to be populated in order to display the search criteria page, the database has to be accessed.
When an extremely large number of pre-defined values have been added, the delay can become noticeable.
The delay only becomes problematic when thousands of pre-defined values are added to one or more index fields. The most common cause for this is PaperVision importing the pre-defined values list from a PaperFlow data group where the data group project is set to insert Ad Hoc values into the pre-defined list.
Having thousands of pre-defined values is somewhat counter-productive as it forces the user to sift through the values rather than being able to hand-key their search criteria quickly. Some options may be better suited to address a need for pre-defined values that cover thousands of variations, such as a shorter pre-defined value that includes a wildcard.
Technical support may be able to suggest additional options based on a specific scenario.