The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable when logging into PaperVision Tools
Version: R69
Article ID: PT000004

A user receives an Error: 503 Server Unavailable when attempting to login to PaperVision Tools. The correct format for the URL is http://servername. If Default.aspx or PVE.aspx is included in the URL it should be removed.
To change the Server URL follow these steps:
- Right-click on a file and choose Send To and then choose PaperVision Enterprise.
- If the Options window is not displayed and the Login window is, click Cancel and the Add Documents window will be displayed. From here, click the Options button.
- The Options window will now be displayed. Enter http://servername for the Server URL.
- Click the Save button, which will bring you back to the Add Documents window.
- Click the Login button and enter your user credentials to login.