Troubleshooting "Unable to read Packet Header" Event Log messages
Version: R65
Article ID: PC000064

This error can occur if a packet header cannot be read during the transmission of a batch in PaperVision Capture. Editing the buffer size for network file transfers may resolve this error and may also enhance system performance. This variable is stored in the DSI.DataTransferAgent.Service.exe.config file located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Digitech Systems\PaperVision Capture directory as:
fileTransferBufferSize - Size (in bytes) of the buffer used to transfer files across the network. Defaults to 65536. Increasing its value may enhance system performance (reduces the number of distinct network transactions) and also resolve “Unable to read Packet Header” event logs.
Steps to Resolve:
To increase the buffer size:
- Edit the DSI.DataTransferAgent.Service.exe.config file in Notepad. This file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Digitech Systems\PaperVision Capture.
- Change the fileTransferBufferSize attribute in the dataTransferServerConfiguration node by editing the following line in this config file:
Find the line that currently reads:<dataTransferServerConfiguration serverName="PaperVision DataTransferAgent1" />
Update this line to read as follows:<dataTransferServerConfiguration serverName="PaperVision DataTransferAgent1" fileTransferBufferSize="32768" />
- Save and close the configuration file
- Restart the PaperVision Data Transfer Agent service (from the desktop, click Start > Run > type services.msc and press <Enter>. Right-click the PaperVision DataTransferAgent1 service and choose Restart)