Unable to add external documents over 200k in size through the thin client.
Version: 10.00
Article ID: PE000046

This is caused by a setting in IIS 6 (Windows 2003 Server), where the maximum size of an uploaded file cannot exceed a specified limit. The default limit is 200 kilobytes.
To fix this, first stop the IIS server. Next, open the metabase.XML file in Windows Notepad (located at WindowsSystem32Inetsrv). S earch for the line that starts with AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed. The value after this field is the maximum size allowed for a file to be uploaded via IIS. This value is in bytes. Simply enter the new value, in bytes, and then save the file.
Start IIS again and you will be able to attach external documents that fall within the limit set for the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed.
You can convert megabytes and gigabytes to bytes at the following Web site: http://onlineconversion.com/computer.htm