Unable to initiate PVE Database when wanting to connect to PaperVision Capture using SQL Server Authentication
Version: R70
Article ID: PC000005

This error is caused by the database server authentication not being set to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
Following these steps should resolve this issue:
- Login to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- In the Object Explorer right click on the name of the server and select properties.
- In the Server Properties window, select the Security page and ensure that “Server authentication” is set to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
- Click OK to save your changes, and then click OK to the message notifying you to restart the SQL Server.
- Restart the SQL Server service by right clicking on the server name and selecting “restart”.
- Attempt to re-connect PaperVision Capture to the SQL Server database.
Note: You can also connect PaperVision Capture to SQL Server using Windows Authentication mode by making the necessary changes to your SQL Server Environment.