Unable to open a document after configuring the PaperVision website to use SSL.
Version: R70
Article ID: PE000137

This would indicate the site URL specified in the SSL certificate does not match what is set within the PaperVision Administration Console. Another cause of the error may be your IIS configuration. An administrator may need to modify the site from IIS, the PaperVision Admin Console, and/or SSL certificate. After moving your site behind the SSL, you will have to configure your Web File Cache URL.
To resolve this follow the steps below:
- Ensure that inside of IIS the PaperVision site’s IP address and SSL port are properly set. SSL uses port 443 by default.
- Look at the SSL certificate. Make sure the URL specified is the same as what is used in PaperVision.
- PaperVision Admin Console>Global Administration>System Settings>Configure System Settings>Local tab. Check the URL at “Web File Cache URL”
- Note: the URL for SSL sites must use “https”.
- Restart IIS.
- Log into PaperVision Enterprise and make sure you can now open a document.