Unable to view documents using plug-in, where the website name contains an apostrophe character
Version: 11.91
Article ID: PE000075

Due to updates made by Microsoft regarding ActiveX, PaperVision Enterprise 11.91 had to be modified to adhere to these changes.
As such, the global site name for your PaperVision website cannot contain a normal apostrophe character. For example: Digitech System's Knowledge Base
This issue is easy to identify, because attempting to view a document in the browser plug-in will open a window with the top toolbar with Help and Close links, but the body of the window will be blank white. No error message will be displayed either. You will also clearly see that the website name in the title bar contains an apostrophe.
To get around this restriction, you can use a snippet of HTML code to insert an apostrophe character. Use either ' or ’ in place of the normal apostrophe. For example: Digitech Systems's Knowledge Base
When a visitor hits your PaperVision website, they will see the HTML code translated into a normal apostrophe.
The global site name variable is set in the C:\Program Files\Digitech Systems\PaperVision\WebServer\Support_Filesglobal.inc file, with a variable name glbSiteName.