Understanding and Effectively Using Batch Priorities
Version: R65
Article ID: PC000060

PaperVision Capture Enterprise provides batch priority settings, which can be used to prioritize work within the Operator Console.
- Job Age Priority establishes a priority for all batches within the entire job based on when each batch was created. The priority increases the longer a batch sits.
- Job Step Priority assigns a priority to a job step, such as Indexing.
- Job Step Age Priority sets a priority for a specific step within the job based on how long each batch has been waiting in that step. The priority increases the longer a batch sits.
- Administrative Priority can be assigned to a specific batch by the administrator.
Batches with a higher priority are displayed more prominently in the Operator Console so that users can easily identify the most important batches to work on next.
In addition, the Operator Console contains the option for Auto Batch Assignment, which can automatically take and open the next-highest-priority batch after the user submits the current batch. This can greatly improve operator productivity by eliminating the need to manually find and open specific batches.
Note: By default, all priorities are set to zero, making no batch in the system more important than any other batch in the system. To begin using priorities, simply check out the job, set up the desired priority settings, and check the job in.
Changes made to priority in the job definition are effective immediately within the Operator Console. This greatly increases a service bureau’s ability to manage day-to-day variances in workload with a few mouse clicks.
Additional information on batch priorities is available in the PaperVision Capture Admin Guide, including specific information on how the overall batch priority calculation.