User is repeatedly prompted to install the PaperVision Enterprise Document Viewer Controls
Version: R74.4
Article ID: PE000174

This happens for any of the following reasons:
1.) The PaperVision Enterprise Document Viewer Controls have not been installed on the machine.
To resolve this issue, go to the Downloads section of your PaperVision website and install the Document Viewer Controls. Contact your IT team if you do not have the necessary security rights to install the Document Viewer Controls.
2.) The PaperVision Enterprise website has not been added as a trusted site in Internet Explorer.
To add the PaperVision Enterprise website as a trusted site in Internet Explorer:
- Open Internet Explorer and browse to your PaperVision Enterprise website
- From the Internet Explorer menu go to Tools > Internet options
- Click on the Security tab
- Click on Trusted sites
- Click the Sites button
- If your PaperVision Enterprise website is not listed under websites, click the Add button to include it in the list of websites. Note: You may have to uncheck the option “Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone” to add the site.
- Click the Close button to save the change and close the Trusted sites window
- Click the OK button to close the Internet options window
3.) The user is trying to view a document using the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer 8 or Internet Explorer 9.
To verify which version of Internet Explorer is being used, go to Help > About Internet Explorer. If “64-bit Edition” is displayed after the Version number, the machine is running the 64-bit version. The PaperVision Enterprise document viewer is not currently supported on this version of Internet Explorer. The user will need to open the 32-bit version of Internet Explorer, which can be found under the Start Menu > All Programs. Use the Internet Explorer shortcut that does not display “(64-bit)” after its name.