What is the correct URL to enter when configuring my SharePoint site using PaperVision SharePoint Tools?
Version: R73
Article ID: PS000004

When a user installs PaperVision SharePoint Tools, as part of the configuration process, they must enter a URL address to the site on their SharePoint server that contains the appropriate Document Library. The easiest way to get the correct URL is to launch an Internet browser and browse to the SharePoint site which contains the appropriate Document Library. Once there, copy the entire URL (including site name) from the Internet browser and paste it into the PaperVision SharePoint Tools wizard.
For example when viewing the Invoices Library on the Accounting site in SharePoint Server 2010, the URL in the internet browser’s address bar displays http://<servername>/Accounting/Invoices/Forms/AllItems.aspx.
To use this Library, the URL to copy/enter into PaperVision SharePoint Tools would be http://<servername>/Accounting/ (which includes the server name and Site name).
For SharePoint Server 2007, site directories are also required in addition to the site name. For this configuration, the following URL format is required: http://<servername>/SiteDirectory/SiteName/.
From PaperVision SharePoint Tools, click the Test Connection button to confirm the correct URL has been entered. If a successful connection message is displayed, click Save to automatically store the connection information.
Note: Contact the SharePoint Server Administrator(s) for assistance if the user is unable to determine the correct URL to use when connecting to their SharePoint Server.