While scanning or importing pages, no images are displayed in the scanning window or saved to the batch
Version: R73
Article ID: PC000051

This issue is caused by enabling the Minimum Page Size option in a Capture step and setting the size to a value greater than the actual size of the images.
To verify if this is the problem:
- From the admin console, check out the appropriate job.
- Right click on the Capture step and select Properties.
- From the Capture Step section, highlight the Minimum Page Size option, right-click the option and select “Reset”. This will change this option to “Off”.
- Check the job back in.
After disabling this option, scan (or import) a few of the pages and verify that they are displayed in the scanning window. Once this has been confirmed as the problem, follow the steps above and re-enable this option, entering a smaller value for the Minimum Page Size option.
Note: Previous PaperFlow users may be attempting to use the same minimum page size value that was used in PaperFlow. The PaperFlow minimum page size is measured in bytes; whereas PaperVision Capture measures minimum page size in kilobytes (1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte). This means that the value used in PaperFlow will not necessarily work in PaperVision Capture.