How Can Intelligent Automation Help Streamline your AP Department?
How Can Intelligent Automation Help Streamline your AP Department?

What if you could reduce the amount of time and money your organization spends on manual accounts payable (AP) processes? No matter the size of the organization, every company has bills to pay, but manually processing invoices is time-consuming, unsecured, and subject to errors. In fact, the Institute for Finance & Management (IOFM) reports that it costs on average $11.76 to process a single invoice and that the average organization receives over 1,200 invoices per month!1

What if you could digitize invoices while eliminating manual data entry with just one system? Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions allow your organization to reduce operating expenses, securely comply with regulations, eliminate manual data entry and integrate with your existing accounting system or other line-of-business applications—either in the cloud or on-premise. Our patented award-winning artificial intelligence (AI) engine can bring intelligent automation to any finance department and improve productivity across the entire enterprise.

After automating AP processes, organizations save over 70% on invoice handling costs alone, with a payback period of fewer than 12 months.

What are you waiting for? Get started today!