Adams Distric Many school districts are still using manual processes to handle student records, Human Resources (HR) files, and financial documents. This process is very laborious for staff and takes up valuable space. Manually keeping track of records across multiple campuses can cause delays when responding to information requests making it increasingly difficult for staff to be productive. Not to mention, as student enrollment grows, so does the need for physical space.

Adams County School District 50 is one of the largest school districts in the Denver, Colorado area and provides top-notch education to over 10,000 students, across 19 campuses. With this many students, the finance and HR departments were generating thousands of documents each month, in addition to the thousands of student records they must maintain. Manual processes were drastically slowing staff down. Requests for information that should take seconds would take staff up to 30 minutes to complete, resulting in hours of lost productivity. Physical records were growing so fast that staff had to use hallways and common areas for storage, taking space away from the students. Staff knew they needed a solution.

District staff worked with RMMI Digital Document Solutions, a Digitech Systems reseller, to implement ImageSilo®, a cloud-based record management service, to electronically manage records. Today, Adams County District 50 stores all their financial, human resources (HR), and student records, in one single system. Now, over 30 staff members are able to securely access information in seconds instead of hours, resulting in increased staff productivity. All staff members were trained in hours resulting in no IT burden and the district was able to eliminate the need for physical record storage.

"We have improved employee productivity and saved space without burdening our IT staff. We have become a model district in the region, and other districts frequently visit to see the ImageSilo system. If they really knew how much they would save, they would do it. The system more than pays for itself."

–Sandra McClure, Director of Finance, Adams County School District 50