Did you know that despite security measures, more than 46% of companies experienced a data breach last year?
Securely protect your data with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems such as ImageSilo® and PaperVision® Enterprise that offer specific security measures that help keep your data safe.
What features are you looking for in an Enterprise Content Management system? Tools to enable effective remote work? A platform that provides fast access to Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime®? Cost-saving cloud-based applications and security? You can discover the many available features by visiting our online ECM Features page. Other tools that also offer great benefits are automated workflows and automated records retention and compliance. Which features will benefit you?

Can ECM Help Protect Your Business?
Click on any of the resources below to learn more.

Cyber Security Quiz
Cyber security is still a major issue faced by businesses of every size today. Take this quiz to test your knowledge on cyber security and see if you’re on top of your security game!

Protect Your Data with Five Levels of Security
Implement a cloud enterprise content management (ECM) solution that utilizes at least five levels of security to ensure the protection of your organization’s sensitive data.

Cyber Security Infographic
A cyber emergency is the loss or compromise of company information or systems, typically through third-party intrusion, employee sabotage, or accident. Download our cybersecurity infographic to learn more!

7 Surprising Statistics About Cyber Security
In celebration of Cyber Security Awareness Month, we’ve rounded up some of the data security statistics you need to know in order to protect your business.

The Secret to Survival in This Economic Downturn – WorkflowOTG
In 2020, the global economy is expected to shrink 3%, the worst decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused some significant economic challenges businesses must overcome. During a tough economy, it is crucial for businesses to look for ways that increase efficiencies and can reduce costs. In this article for Workflow, our Marketing Manager, Christina Robbins, shares advice on how your organization can successfully navigate this economic decline.

Data Security While Working From Home – Medium
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most the workforce to work from a remote setting and exchange data through the internet making information vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The best way to protect your data from attack, while employees work remote, is by having a data protection strategy and the right technologies in place. In this article, our CEO, HK Bain, shares insights into what technology features you need to securely work from home.