
For a company’s best work to emerge, all departments must support the tech team, just as the tech team supports them. Our CEO, HK Bain, weighs in on the issue in this roundup of leader quotes presented by Forbes.

Your customers rely on you to keep information secure, but you may not feel informed enough to have security conversations with technology purchasers. Check out this article from Christina Robbins that frames several of today’s most important security trends in language you can use to help more companies with cyber security.

Are you taking advantage of the growing technology spend in the healthcare industry?

Missing sales opportunities because you think EHR systems leave no room for other kinds of information technology in the healthcare marketplace? Read this article to learn multiple ways you can grow your revenue. We share insights on healthcare trends and how to capitalize.

Brings New Revenue Opportunities to Imaging Dealers

Stramaglio Consulting today announced that Digitech Systems has joined The Consortium, a think tank for the Imaging Channel, consisting of a group of industry leaders that aims to help the channel grow and thrive

How Does A System of Record (SoR) Help Manage Vital Business Records?

Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?

What lessons we learned about secure remote work after the pandemic?

Digitization and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) can help organizations protect their information—no matter where their employees are working. In today’s economic climate, if you’re not marketing your security expertise, you should be! Read this article from our Director of Strategic Communications, Christina Robbins, to learn why.

How much do you know about cyber security?

Cyber security is still a major issue faced by businesses of every size today. Take this quiz to test your knowledge on cyber security and see if you’re on top of your security game!

How can you protect your data?

Implement a cloud enterprise content management (ECM) solution that utilizes at least five levels of security to ensure the protection of your organization’s sensitive data.

Are You Prepared for a Cyber Emergency?

A cyber emergency is the loss or compromise of company information or systems, typically through third-party intrusion, employee sabotage, or accident. Download our cybersecurity infographic to learn more!

In 2020, the global economy is expected to shrink 3%, the worst decline since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused some significant economic challenges businesses must overcome. During a tough economy, it is crucial for businesses to look for ways that increase efficiencies and can reduce costs. In this article for Workflow, our Marketing Manager, Christina Robbins, shares advice on how your organization can successfully navigate this economic decline.