
How Does A System of Record (SoR) Help Manage Vital Business Records?

Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?

Wondering how PaperVision compares to other Enterprise Content Management (ECM) products?

You’re in luck! Check out this PaperVision Platinum Product Review from Buyers Lab to see how Digitech Systems’ PaperVision products can benefit any sized business.

Are you paying for features you don't need?

We don’t believe you should have to pay for features you don’t need. If you require information management for a small business, large enterprise, or somewhere in between, PaperVision.com has the right edition to match your needs. Take a look through our edition options to find the one best for you.

How do you know when you’ve chosen the right information system?

The Big Four are the competitive, valuable components of every Digitech Systems’ product, system, feature, and service. Ease of use, feature functionality, architectural flexibility, and price/performance are the drivers for Digitech Systems to deliver products that give you access to Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime®

How Effective is Your System of Record?

How will you survive information chaos? A System of Record (SoR) is the newest enterprise content management opportunity that can help any organization manage their business information. This simple diagram shows that a SoR is the foundation for each information lifecycle stage.

CIO Applications named Digitech Systems a Top Ten RPA Provider for 2019. They recognized the company’s outstanding history of information management and process automation, and it’s future-focused development in the area of robotic process automation. RPA utilizes “bots” (electronic users) to complete tasks previously done by humans, such as data entry and correlating information between multiple systems. Read more about why they like our automation solutions so much…