Do you dread calling technical support when something doesn’t work? Don’t we all? When you call for support at a traditional software company, it usually isn’t a fun or memorable experience. You probably have to wait on hold or worse send an email that doesn’t get a reply for days. It can be an aggravating time-consuming process.
However, here at Digitech Systems, things work a little different! Did you know that on average, it takes us nine seconds to answer your call and nine minutes to answer your question? That is why we call our technical support legendary. We know that if you are calling, things probably aren’t going very well and we are committed to helping you back up and running right away! In fact, 87% of the cases we open are closed on that very same day!
But don’t just take our word for it, see what one of our happy customers had to say!

Also see what our CEO, HK Bain has to say about what makes our technical support legendary: