
Digitech Systems enables businesses of any size to securely manage, retrieve, and store information more effectively. Delivering any document anywhere, anytime, on virtually any device, our software and services improve efficiency, boost security and control, and save organizations money.


With 2023 wrapping up it’s time to look into the future. This piece features 6 industry experts, including our own Christina Robbins, who discuss what the future of the office imaging channel will look like as we head into 2024. Plan smarter in 2024!

ENX Magazine has selected Nathan Schwenke, Vice President (VP) of Customer Support at Digitech Systems, as a 2023 Difference Maker. This award recognizes individuals for extraordinary contributions to their employers and the information management industry.

Love working from home?

Remote work is popular with employees, but most leaders are skeptical about its long-term impacts on business success. This roundup of thoughts from executive leaders on how to move forward in a hybrid and work-from-home world offers twenty fascinating perspectives.

Are you afraid of AI?

Did you know that people—not products—cause most AI implementation failures? As a reseller of AI technologies, you don’t want to miss this article that explains how user adoption is critical to project success. You’ll find three key components that can increase your customer satisfaction and earn you more business.

The world recently celebrated Women’s Entrepreneurship Day and we’re delighted to have our own Vice President Christina Robbins included in this roundup of the best advice women leaders have to offer. Find out what she learned from an influential woman early in her career and learn from more than a dozen others.

Want to master the art of sprint planning?

Forbes unlocks the secrets of successful sprint planning. These 20 actionable tips, including one from our CEO, HK Bain.

Do you ever feel discouraged by rejection in your career?

Rejection is inevitable in any career, but it can also be a catalyst for growth and success. Learn from the stories and advice of 20 business professionals who have overcome challenges and achieved their goals. Discover how to develop resilience, confidence, and a positive mindset that will help you minimize the impact of professional rejections. Our own Christina Robbins is featured in this issue..

Considering a full move into the cloud?

A move into the cloud can offer many advantages for businesses and preparation can ensure a smooth transition. This article provides 20 challenges that come with embracing the cloud as business leaders share their insights on the key issues that should be considered before fully transitioning. Our own HK Bain shares his thoughts.

Are you running into roadblocks that are keeping your company or career from flourishing?

This article features insights from 13 business leaders on the major career and business challenges that are keeping you from reaching your potential, and what you can do to combat them. Find out what our Christina Robbins has to say about adding value.

Whether it be juggling work and night classes or a crazy work and personal schedule, there’s one thing we can be sure of—life is chaotic! This article offers 16 tips from business leaders, aimed at finding the happy medium in achieving your personal and professional tasks/goals, helping to reduce chaos and improve your mental and physical well-being.