Sick of paperwork? Overdue for an information management checkup?
We know quality patient care is your ultimate goal. As partners in that effort, enterprise content management (ECM) can complement your Electronic Health Records (EHR) system to securely manage historic patient records and other business information digitally. When you pair ECM with your EHR, you can:
Improve patient care
Secure access to complete medical histories from anywhere.
Save money
Improve efficiency and manage your office more effectively with digitization and process automation.
Comply with HIPAA using secure, digitized records.
As a healthcare provider, what features do you want in an Enterprise Content Management system? Are you looking to improve patient care by speeding access to patients' complete medical histories? Do you want to safeguard patient privacy and comply with HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) by utilizing secure record access and storage, strong security settings and detailed audit trails. Interested in enabling secure, effective remote work for medical personnel and support staff? Discover the many available features by visiting our ECM Features page.
How Digitech Systems helps Healthcare Providers
Digitech Systems products such as PaperVision®.com, ImageSilo® and PaperVision® Capture close the technology gap for healthcare providers of any size. They are cost-effective, flexible tools to securely collect, organize and manage Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime®. Easy to use from even a smartphone, Healthcare ECM tools improve record accuracy, streamline document management and help you comply with HIPAA.Setup is easy with preconfigured workflow tasks.

"We used to have 24/7 coverage just to handle the phone calls. Now thanks to PaperVision® Enterprise we have eliminated the need for after-hours coverage. This has saved the health records department approximately $269,000 annually"- Kathy Lavelle, CFO

"I don't know how we functioned before (EHRs) and PaperVision® Enterprise... I have been doing this for 35 years and I can tell you that it has revolutionized our business, ”- Sherry Engleman, Health Records Information Manager.

"Staff members are now able to answer requests for information much faster. We would never have been able to build our paperless processes without ImageSilo®."- Susan Marseille, Benefits Specialist.
Improve patient care:
Easily collect, manage, and securely access every patient's complete health history.
Easily Enable Remote Work and Telehealth
Safely access and manage health records and office data on any device from anywhere.
Comply with regulations:
Want to avoid big fines for data breaches? Keep your office in compliance with regulations governing patient privacy, fast record access and other health IT.
Enjoy savings and efficiencies:
Use Healthcare ECM to automate tasks such as billing. Digitize job applications and patient inquiries at the outset.
Take advantage of government funding
The COVID-19 economic recovery packages approved by Congress set aside hundreds of millions of dollars for healthcare information technology, including more than $500 million for rural providers.
Help the environment
Digitization aids sustainability. Beyond reducing the use of paper, cloud-based services such as PaperVision®.com and ImageSilo® cut CO² emissions and streamline operations. You'll save money and help the environment.
Your partners in better patient care
Interest has never been higher in Healthcare ECM products such as digitization, intelligent automated workflow, record sharing and cyber security to bring more efficiency to the healthcare system and improve patient care. Since 1997, Digitech Systems has proudly led in the effort to provide fast, secure access to Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime ®. Learn more about our healthcare enterprise content management products: