
Are You Looking for a Simple, Efficient Way to Move Paper-based Information into Your Electronic Records or ECM System?

As business information continues to grow at unprecedented rates, document management resellers and dealers are key partners helping organizations securely protect and manage critical data.

How Can Digitech Systems Help You Grow Your Revenue?

Databank IMX gained at least $10 million dollars in new revenue as a Digitech Systems Partner.

Want to Get More of Your Electronic Files into SharePoint…For FREE?

Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?

How Does PaperVision Capture Make Scanning for SharePoint a Breeze?

Learn how PaperVision Capture and SharePoint work together to expand your sales opportunities.

Is Your Organization Looking For Repeat Business and Short Sales Cycles?

As a Digitech Systems partner, Document Management Solutions was able to streamline sales cycles and increase recurring revenue.

Why Should Your Organization Offer Nonproprietary Products?

By partnering with Digitech Systems to offer a non-proprietary product suite, Fort Docs is able to grow their business and increase revenue by 500%!

How Can Your Organization Shorten Sales Cycles?

As a Digitech Systems Partner, Shoreline Records Management is able to offer a complete product suite at affordable prices, allowing them to cut sales cycles in half.