
How Can Digitech Systems’ Complete Product Suite Help Your Organization Grow?

Casey Associates, Inc expanded their customer base and business with advanced solutions from Digitech Systems!

As healthcare providers struggle to adapt Electronic Health Records (EHR) to accommodate the needs of younger patients, ECM systems can help. Check out this article that appeared in Healthcare Risk Management to learn more.

Is Your Healthcare Organization Still Reliant on Manual Processes?

Ever had a digitization project go off the rails and wondered what you might have done to lead the change more effectively? Good leaders self-evaluate and always look for better ways of accomplishing tasks—especially when projects don’t turn out as planned. So what leadership skills are critical to improving our ability to guide imaging and business process automation projects?

Would Being Able Offer Automated Business Solutions Help Grow Your Business?

Polar Imaging, Inc was able to not only improve close rates and decrease implementation times, but they have also increased annual revenue by partnering with Digitech Systems.

Aligning your business with the three Cs of modern healthcare at the forefront of healthcare technology priorities will enable you to help more customers solve their critical challenges. Digital transformation of business processes will further reduce costs, electronic intake processes speed access to care in crisis situations, and alignment between EHR and older patient records improves customer service.

What if Your Nonprofit Could Improve Business Processes?

Donations are the lifeblood of non-profit organizations, and the Alzheimer’s Association uses ImageSilo® to streamline donations processing. Allowing them to convert contributions into programs, getting help to those affected much more quickly.

Technology can help healthcare providers improve practice efficiency and stay focused on patient care and results. Find out how Digitech Systems leverages artificial intelligence to assist doctors with medical records challenges.

Do you like your doctor? Turns out 96% of us trust their medical skills, but hate the customer service they provide! ECM can streamline patient care and improve customer service by bridging the gap between paper records and an EMR. At MHCD, they’re saving more than $225,000 annually thanks to the practice efficiencies created by their ECM and EHR combo.

Did you know 96% of patient complaints are about customer service? Find out how better access to records can improve patient care in this article by our CEO.

Did you know that your EMR is only one piece of a larger record management puzzle? Find out how to improve the quality of patient care and ease your health records transition with ECM.