
Is Your Organization Compliant With PCI DSS Regulations?

Ensure your data is protected with an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution to make sure you securely store customer credit card data in compliance with PCI DSS.

Whether you’re a sole proprietorship with a single hard drive or a small business with dozens of employees, the ability to find business information can be a critical competitive advantage. Yet, many information options place emphasis on storage and neglect or even forget that the reason we store data is to access it again when we need it. Learn more about the difference between storage and access and get tips on choosing the best information management system for your company, in this article from Christina Robbins.

The company explains how they reached this milestone anniversary

Digitech Systems celebrates the 25th anniversary of the founding of the company today. In an era when about 20% of startups fail to reach the one year milestone and only one in two reach five years, a twenty-fifth anniversary is a significant accomplishment.

Are you taking advantage of the growing technology spend in the healthcare industry?

Missing sales opportunities because you think EHR systems leave no room for other kinds of information technology in the healthcare marketplace? Read this article to learn multiple ways you can grow your revenue. We share insights on healthcare trends and how to capitalize.

Brings New Revenue Opportunities to Imaging Dealers

Stramaglio Consulting today announced that Digitech Systems has joined The Consortium, a think tank for the Imaging Channel, consisting of a group of industry leaders that aims to help the channel grow and thrive

Are you positioned to be successful in the remote and hybrid work environment? Read more about how digital forms, cloud-based document management, and automated Accounts Payable are essential to the modern-day office and the office of the future.

Did you know that digital records are easier to work with, more secure, and enable the conversion to automated Accounts Payable processing? Learn how your company can benefit by making the switch to the cloud and what to consider when vetting potential cloud services.

Are you ready for your Accounts Payable department to switch to digital records and a more secure, streamlined process?

Read this article to find out why the cloud should be the foundation to your digital strategy. Learn how to choose the right cloud-based service and the benefits it will bring to your business. Read now.

Why Document Management, Digital Forms, and Automated Accounts Payable Are Here to Stay

Our recent press release was picked up by the Associated Press. Want to know why they’re excited? Read more about how document management, digital forms, and automated Accounts Payable are core components of the office of the future. They each play a significant role in your remote work or hybrid work strategy over the coming months. Don’t miss this opportunity to position your business for future success. Read now.

Tied up in red tape? Provide fast, secure access to government records with ECM

Government agencies manage a multitude of records and can leverage Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems to maintain ironclad security while allowing open access.