
How Can A System of Record Benefit Your Organization?

In today’s competitive business environment, having an effective Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system to help manage information of all types, including electronic files, paper documents, and even email, can give your organization the competitive advantage you are looking for. Learn how ECM can benefit your organization with this infographic.

Are You Able to Meet the Automation Needs of Your Customers?

DocuDriven executives were looking for a way to get into the growing Electronic Content Management (ECM) industry. They loved how easy the PaperVision® product suite was to implement and sell. Since becoming a Digitech Systems reseller in 2015, DocuDriven has been able to expand into new markets, as well as, increase both revenue and their customer base. How did they accomplish all this growth in just a couple of years? Read their reseller story to find out.

Tied up in red tape? Provide fast, secure access to government records with ECM

Government agencies manage a multitude of records and can leverage Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems to maintain ironclad security while allowing open access.

Are You A Data Hoarder?

Take this short quiz to see if you’re hoarding potentially compromising data at work!

Are you protecting your customers' data in compliance with GDPR?

Get in compliance with GDPR regulations, protect customer data, and enforce system security standards with ECM solutions.

How can digital records and automation improve patient care for hospitals?

See how Woodstock Hospital streamlined patient care with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Digitech Systems in this case study overview video.

Why would ImageSilo be a good fit for your business?

You might have seen or heard of ImageSilo but aren’t exactly sure what it means for you. ImageSilo is our cloud Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system that helps you control your business information from the cloud. Scroll through this short presentation for an overview of what ImageSilo can accomplish!

Do You Want Even More From Your Content Management System?

What if your business could implement a single system to improve efficiency? Increase productivity and provide excellent customer service by implementing the simple, searchable Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system: PaperVision® Enterprise.

How do you know when you’ve chosen the right information system?

The Big Four are the competitive, valuable components of every Digitech Systems’ product, system, feature, and service. Ease of use, feature functionality, architectural flexibility, and price/performance are the drivers for Digitech Systems to deliver products that give you access to Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime®

Why Do You Need Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime?

How will you maintain efficiency and file accessibility through information chaos? Digitech Systems’ suite of information capture software and services can help you get organized and speed up business processes. This helpful infographic shows how Any Document, Anywhere, Anytime can help!