
How Does PaperVision Enterprise® Enable Compliance For Canadian Education Institutions?

Avon Maitland District School Board freed hours of its Records Department’s time and is able to focus on more critical tasks with PaperVision® Enterprise.

How Will ImageSilo® Help Your School District Office?

Adams County School District 50 gained one day of productivity per week and improved efficiency with ImageSilo®!

Are You Keeping Student Records Secure and Private All of the Time?

Learn how information management solutions can be leveraged to ensure compliance with FERPA school privacy regulations, simplify records management and improve productivity of the entire office.

Feel like you're failing at managing your school’s information?

How can you cut costs, protect and speed access to your school’s records? Use an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system to digitize and manage office records and student and staff files electronically. Protect sensitive information and save on operating expenses.

Shortened Sales Cycles Allowed Imagetek to Grow Business

Imagetek was able to shorten sales cycles as well as expand their customer base and increase their recurring revenue with the Digitech Systems product suite.

The Gnomon School of Visual Effects Games and Animation is an educational institution dedicated to preparing students with the technological skills needed for careers as visual effects artists in the entertainment industry.

How Can Your School District Office Increase Staff Productivity?

San Antonio Independent School Districts Federal Programs Department reduced time spent looking for records and cut audit preparation time with PaperVision® Enterprise.

The tough economy has made budget planning harder than ever for schools, but you don’t have to reduce student programs to make ends meet. Find out how Adams County School District 50 is protecting jobs and saving money by using the cloud ECM service, ImageSilo® to manage their district and student records.

Learn how Adams County School District 50 saved more than $40,000 and protected full-time staff positions by using ImageSilo® cloud ECM to control school records.

University registrars are turning to ImageSilo® to help them securely manage student records in compliance with HIPAA and FERPA regulations. As a cloud-based ECM service, ImageSilo allows colleges to start realizing improved efficiency, better control, and more cost savings right away.